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Startups magnet

   Strange thing, universe is build very interesting, when you try dig on something everything around it starts stick with you, new connection, new info is coming from everywhere. Like more then year ago I started working with my own startup and from that moment all everybody around me stated talking about startups, then some of people invites me to join their projects, some are just philosophizing. But the main point that when you are starting doing something, it's like travel to the parallel universe where all things are the same.
   Second thought I've got that everything what you discover, every "new idea" was already made by someone, so you think "what the point to make same?". When youtube came on the market there was tons of video sharing websites, but almost all was expensive(storage was expensive at that time), so what they guys did, they put a lot of afford to make service free and fast, nobody else could fight for that, so youtube win. If you think more about this, you will probably discover that idea is not so important, mostly it's execution of this idea, how it behaves on the market?, what people say about it?, are they inspired ?
That is most important for being successful. Now everybody will need to build their own way to users hart :)

I hope that will work for me. Cheers


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