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People are interesting

...and people are interested.
I like talking with people, when you first describe them an idea, you say:
- Hm, it should be some sort of white-board....
They feel very suspicious , some heard about white-boards, some didn't but always they are trying to imagine this in their head, then you give them link to check. In few days, when you meet again during the coffee break, usually they start talking about the project:
- It's very cool, but I've noticed that it would be cool to have ....
So from that point you feel that not only you are involved in developing start-up, it become some sort of public and now your colleagues and other people that you met online are part of it, they own your product. This is one of exciting moments that help you continue development, so you know that you are on good track.
Few weeks ago I've had feedback from one guy from the Mexico, he was reporting some hibernate issues upon Owely, some of them we fixed in next release, but it's not a point. I've used some recommendation from “Getting real”, so all support communication is not automated, like: Thank you for your reply,.....
I'm writing every reply myself and signing the email with my name. That gave good results, some of users are generating really nice feedback telling about issues and errors they have, trying to solve them with our team. I wasn't ready for this kind of chat, but it was pleasant and gave energy for improving the system, making it better.
For all who start their projects I would like to suggest to talk with users, they are people and you are one of them.


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