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Rules of Fight Code squad

1. You should tell everyone about Fight Code squad

2. If you don't want to annoy people with rules, check rule #1

3. Something that is bigger than it should, call "Pile of shit"

4. Something bigger than "Pile of shit", call "Huge pile of shit"

5. Splitting Huge pile of shit on smaller piles, is not considered refactoring, it's just shitty job.

6. Don't short down variable names, abbreviations was invented by bureaucrats to confuse shit out of regular people. There should be no bureaucrats in Fight Code squad.

7. If method is taking more than 20 lines then you should feel bad, think again.

8. If class/module is taking more than 500 lines, then it's Pile of shit.

9. Readability over Functionality, if you can't read it after hangover, don't write it.

10. If (method|class|module|factory...) is used only once in a code, it shouldn't exist. 

11. If method is taking one line, then something should be wrong with whole idea of using this method. Think again.

12. If oneliner is more than 30 characters long, then switch off your 30" monitor and try to read it on 13" laptop screen. Now what? Split it in logical multi-lines, comment each of them as you try to explain to the child.

13. If you forgot to write comments before your >20 lines method, it considered automatically as Pile of shit.   

14. If your tests rely on non-generic factories, your code will be considered not covered and therefore Pile of shit.

15. Over-architecture, -design are bad, keep it to yourself. There are doctors to help with paranoia. Be prepared for a problems of future and meet them with cold mind.


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