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Summarize things from the past

So during these days I'm starting to think about old days, trying to remind my self how it was first time exploring new lands of different technologies. I don't like to compare and say: Some coding language A is better than some language B. This is like comparing different ways of thinking. Lets start from deep childhood, year lets say 1994.

C++ - there was this awesome blue book, like 400 pages long and cool that it had illustrations. I remember that it took me more than a week to succesfully compile my version of "Hello Word" example to exe file and run it. It was the best day ever.

Basic - at 6th grade our computer classes started and during first day I've got this like Basic book for Kids. And during same day I've finished it and was able to write some small stupid stuff. But it was really awesome, it was part of freedom. All possible free time I've spend there going deeper and deeper.

Pascal - this was like "Hm, realy? There is something different except C++ and Basic?! I didn't know that". It was 8th grade in Mathematica liceum. So the key thing that is main in Pascal was my first try to make a real project. It was space strategy game, where you had ship and was attacking the planet, each planet had own factory of ships, so thats how you build your army. For this game I've created separate "Paint" like application, that was writing into the file each pixel. Only later I've discovered that it was absuletly .BMP way. Other cool part about it, that one day I've noticed few guys from younger classes playing my game. Becaues computers was shared, there was only one user and you could easialy access eveyones work files. Some other things like IT olympics I think was really not worth mentioning.

Delphi - I loved riddles, and my teacher was good enough to notice that and feed my brain with all kinds of cool riddles. I was entering the computer class room with the words "Honey, I'm home". It was my playground and my kindom. Visual stuff that you can hack and do some cool things was eating all my attention. There was my second project, special application that would help to input and count results of "Kangooroo" mathematical olymics.  Three times I've rewrited  question editor compleatly, using my own format of binary files as database. I was really far away from understanding even priciples of storing data in the tables. So at 11th grade I've tried to work in one IT company calles "Eleks". There I've got huge book "Relative databases", it was corner stone of SQL databases, some bare fundamental idea hidden across 700 pages. It was first time where I've burned my brains.


php/ html/ javascript - I mean imagine you can do some stuff and it will be available for more than 10 people by just entering some text in application called "Browser". At that moment all I knew was Internet Explorer 4 and FrontPage(I deaply regret this knowlage). So it was like nice play, I and other guy did  this website for our Physics faculty. And thats where I've met my first job. I mean guys, now we are all like "rich guys", at my first job my rate was $1/hr. So after hard monthes of work, you would earn $200. "HAHAHAHAHA!!!" I would say right now. Lets move on.

.net - this is actually longest expirience ever, and in some way most productive. I become leading developer, two years before finishing university, how cool that can be. there was my first expirience with communication with the client. This was really fun, our clients didn't looked like ordinary people, during our calls I've heard :  
Client1: From my window I see how mother bird is feeding her kids in the nest.
Client2: Lets stop thinking about code, I want you to draw casle in the sky, imagine some place where you can do  whatever. Please tell me about it.
Don't get me wrong, that was awesome clients and years.

java - it was really fast, like they had a client, some large lawer company in US, and they wanted own booking app on java. It was different but short experience.

Embeded C++ - that was fun, it's like normal programming but you have no memory. I've actually wrote app that was scaning bar codes and checking database for some warehouse company in US.


WML - I become a shaman of early mobile web development on different platoforms. at that time each manufacturer had own specification of HTML. And this was almost a bigest hell after ActiionScript.

ActiionScript - I mean, imagine someone really hated something. And he hated it so much that he removed part of hist brain and put in the carton box. Than he shited in that box and put it on fire, then trow it in the water and made a puff of joint while watching how it burn on waves of atlantic ocean. The END.

System Analyst - this was my first position after moving to Kiev, I was freshly baked technology maniac with huge thing about drugs. You know that a usual thing when you work in world known holland bank. What would you care finding out that company you work for is 7th biggest company in the world. Idk, I was just smoking it out. 

[Upredictable era working in own startup]

Ruby on Rails - Cheez, it was like entering heaven of developers. Everything silly and meaningful was baked inside as helper function or had own pattern of doing things easy way. This is cheal out area where I will have ability to put al my skills and ideas in working prototype. Getting high by deploying this stuff to the server. Really, this is unbeleavable feeling.

Qt C++ - the best C++ ever. One of the creators of C++ in his open letter was describing how great and wonderful this framework is. And I beleave in every bit of his words. got his cross-world life in it. I was enjoying C++ development like never before.

Objective-C - I felt how blood is tryed to escape through my ears when I was reading syntax of this technology. Everything I knew was demolished by awkward SmartTalk thingy. I suffered but in the end of first year finally got understanding for this weird world of iPhone development.

Android Java - this was fast. Like food you already tried but forgot for how long. It was logcal and almost without any adrenalin. Like playing old card game with old friend. At that time I lived in california and thought that Android may be interesting market to play with.

Node.js - my last passion, where old JavaScript got incredible dose of adrenalin and decided that it can handle server processes. This time is like right now. Im thinking that technology adiction is not giving me as much joy as it was before. All my happy memories remain in the past, under huge amout of coding hours, where everything become rutine after 6 month. Where code coverage and design patterns, are main figures on the stage. And modern music sounds like shit. That era that some people call adulthood, that obviously suck in different parts of endless paperwork. Where you can't call your co-worker a friend, because it's too straight. Somewhere between heaven and hell, on the ground called Earth. 


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