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Showing posts from 2011

Slicehost => Rackspace rage

For my side project I've used Slicehost VDS solution, it worked fine, I've liked minimalistic Control Panel and really great tutorials how to setup environment from scratch. I really think they have best knowledge base online. Slicehost wasn't cheapest solution, but there was no complains from my side, they worked like clock, I never considered moving to other hosting provider, so when I've heard that they was acquired by Rackspace already then had this bad feeling. Then thought "ok, may be I'm too worried, may be it's for better" and tried to migrate in new env.  First day There was my mistake trying to use CentOS, I've researched and they say it's more stable and secured, but.... RedHad package manager don't know anything about ImageMagick higher than 6.1 or 6.2 don't remember, for new gems I was required to use >6.3, so I've spend few hours trying to set it up manually, then compile from sources then voodoo mag...

Why Magento sucks?!

p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 13.0px 0.0px; font: 13.0px Arial; color: #1022a3} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 13.0px 0.0px; font: 13.0px Arial} p.p3 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 13.0px Arial} p.p4 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 13.0px Arial; min-height: 15.0px} span.s1 {letter-spacing: 0.0px color: #000000} span.s2 {text-decoration: underline ; letter-spacing: 0.0px} span.s3 {letter-spacing: 0.0px} span.s4 {text-decoration: underline ; letter-spacing: 0.0px color: #1022a3} This post was inspired by I don't agree on everything that wrote there, I won't say that is so sucky and hard. It's childish way to say system is too complicated, read the f**king manual, omg is this so hard?! So from perspective technical guy that have a lot of finished high loaded projects on the back, I want to explain my "sucky" point about it.  1) The thing that bothers me for last few weeks is news about Magento acquir...

How to kill old Resque workers and don't loose your face

In first thought trivial problem, `god gem` is keeping your Resque workers busy and when you deploy it just ask `god` to kill them by: god remove {group_name}. This is prety common misunderstanding thinking that workers will stop running at same moment, some of them can even live forever trying to establish their life inside your production server and continiously eating memory. One of walkarounds looked like this: in resque.rake create new task namespace :resque task :restart => :environment do    pids = || []    pids.uniq!    if pids.any?        system("sudo kill -QUIT #{pids.join(' ')}")        puts "killed: #{pids.join(' ')}"    else        puts "resque wasn't running: #{pids.join(' ')}"    end end end It worked fine till one moment when rake stopped running initilizers before task and that cause ugly(hard) to find error...

Capture full screen in muti-screens Windows XP by Qt

I've just want to put some small solution here, I've spend few hours to find out why same procedure works fine in Linux and Mac OS,but always returns only first screen image in Windows XP. This is recommended use: QPixmap::grabWindow(QApplication::desktop()->winId()); And in windows XP it always capture only 1st screen, so this hack solution how same overloaded procedure works fine : QWidget *scr = QApplication::desktop(); WId w = scr->winId(); QPixmap pm = QPixmap::grabWindow(w,0,0,scr->width(), scr->height()); Just specify geometry of all screen and it works perfect.